Lesing oor gender verwarring

Toward a framework for exploring the gender movement“, by prof. Reitze Rodseth

Venue: Reformed Curch Die Bult (next to theological school, Potchefstroom)
Date: 5 May, 12h30-14h00
R20-00 entrance fee
RSVP before 2 May 2022 at alivh808@gmail.com

Rosara Buttefield writes as follows about ‘transgenderism’: “Throughout most of human history, however, gender meant being male or female. There was no distinction made between one’s biological sex and one’s gender. It wasn’t until 1963 that gender began to refer to social attributes that differed from biological sex. This new definition was used by Second Wave Feminists, such as Kate Millet and Simone de Beauvoir, to miscategorize gender as the cultural manifestation of biology.”