
“…Western Marxists are driven by a religious vision for humanity. They have a heaven they long for, but it is not celestial. It’s an earthly paradise that can only be achieved once the original sin of humanity has been redeemed. 

No, not the original sin outlined in Genesis. The original sin of colonising whiteness, of toxic masculinity, of stifling heteronormativity. Just as in the rambling original writings of Marx the labouring proletariat is oppressed by the property-owning bourgeoisie, in Western Marxism the bourgeoisie has been replaced by straight white men and the enslaved proletariat has been replaced by marginalised neurodivergent other-abled gender-non-conforming birthing people with special needs. 

We can laugh at how ridiculous it looks when laid out plainly, but these people aren’t messing around. They’ve got a heaven on earth to realise, and you and I are getting in the way with all our plain speech, fact-based thinking and adherence to Scripture….”

Lees die volle artikel, “Globalism is satanic”, deur David Hilton verder op Caldron Pool hier.

….Toe die Allerhoogste aan die nasies ‘n erfdeel gegee het, toe Hy die mensekinders van mekaar geskei het, het Hy die grense van die volke vasgestel volgens die getal van die kinders van Israel.

Deut 32:8

En Hy het uit een bloed al die nasies van die mensdom gemaak om oor die hele aarde te woon, terwyl Hy vooraf bepaalde tye en die grense van hulle woonplek vasgestel het

Hand 17:26

Hy maak nasies groot en laat hulle omkom; Hy brei nasies uit en voer hulle weg.

Job 12:23