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Get Ready for What Comes After Covid-19, Covid-19 Social Conditioning

High level social planners, Babel-wannabes, technocrats, and techno-worshipers come together in the World Economic Forum in 2019 to map out their Covid-19 response, 6 months before it happens. We provide examples of modern day elitists and philosopher-kings (or technocrats) who are hoping to subjugate mankind via technology and the power of the state. Yet, the technology that is supposed to save mankind turns to destructive ends. Covid-19 provided substantial and sufficient social conditioning for the next step in the sequence laid out by the technocrats. There is, however, one factor they are not considering. . . God. Our discussion with Kendle Nichols, producer of the video “Prudent Preparation” lends insight into what Christians should do to prepare for these developments.